One Hundred Years of Winchester Cartridge Boxes 1856 -1956
By Ray T. Giles and Daniel L. Shuey



 Subject:  100 Years of Winchester Cartridge Boxes, 1856-1956 

      Your new book is absolutely fantastic!!!! I am buying one for my library too. This is a fine, fine reference guide and makes my cataloging job a whole lot easier for our auctions.  This is our new bible for metallic cartridge boxes as I'm sure it will become for all cartridge box collectors.
Many Thanks,

Chris Roberts
Sold USA


 Finally, a reference guide with prices on Rifle Boxes!  Has great full color pictures & the reference guide is second to none.  You can look up boxes by Caliber, Gun Model or by significant  wording on the box.  This book will be used  by both beginner & experienced collectors alike. 

 Eric & Jere Ward, 
Sporting Collectibles by Ward's Auctions Inc.



 ...I thought the book was going to be good but I must say, I was overwhelmed!  It truly is spectacular!  I can't believe the wealth of material and the detail.  I have many books in my library on Winchester but I must say if this is not the best, it's pretty damn close!  Congratulations.  The only problem I see is what do you do for an encore?
 Ed Lewis
(Dr Lewis is a well-known collector of Volcanics and Winchesters as well as an African big-game hunter and frequent contributor of articles to a number of publications in the field of guns and shooting).

I am up to chapter 9 in your book and am enthralled! Your writing style, as well as the AMAZING depth of information, makes reading it a great of those, "you can't put down" - except to go to bed! Your write-up of the Marlin .40-60 is priceless!! A classic!! This book - your knowledge and research, your attention to detail, your writing style - is brilliant!
Thank you for sharing so much with the rest of us. This could never be duplicated or improved upon.
[David B.]


Ray, I could not be more impressed or happier with my copy of " One Hundred Years of Winchester Cartridge Boxes 1856-1956". I've had the book for three days and just keep going through it, over and over.
     Thanks to you and Dan for all the hard work you did on this project. If I had the only copy in Texas, I wouldn't take a thousand dollars for it!
[Johnny S]

  Your book is absolutely wonderful! I learned more about Winchester ammo in three hours of reading than I learned in the preceding three years! I now have the knowledge to completely evaluate my collection and future purchases. Thanks! [Mike N.]

Book arrived in the mail just now. It is wonderful, better than your reviews. You are to be congratulated for all of your hard work and research. [Dick H.]


This [book] is one of a kind. Congratulations and my deepest respect for this outstanding work.  [Roland W.]

 Hi Ray & Dan,
  I'm Officer in Charge of the Tasmania Police Forensic Ballistics Section in Australia. I also collect cartridges and cartridge boxes of all types. I ordered your book on c/fire cartridge boxes and it arrived yesterday.
  What a fantastic effort - well done on providing such a comprehensive resource. Well done also on providing such an accurate definition on "political correctness". That was a laugh in amongst the 'normal' text. Rest assured you guys in the USA don't have a monopoly on PC. It's just as bad in Australia!
  The Australian Cartridge Collectors Association have their annual General Meeting next month. I'll be taking my copy of the book along to show some of the guys. No doubt they'll be as impressed as I am and with any luck, you'll get a few more (well deserved) orders afterwards.
Gerard Dutton (Sergeant), Hobart, Australia

Book is outstanding! [John S. PA]

 Lord knows we are both guys who love to have fun and joke around with people!  But, we have strong sincere sides too.  It is with that side that I say you guys deserve a lot of thanks for putting this book together.
   This book is a tremendously valuable resource.  It’s not about throwing the pictures out, or giving prices, or anything else; it’s about the teaching.  I like the way you structured the book, calling attention to manufacturing themes, physical period symbols and colors, and minute details and concepts that “stick” in the mind.  I’m a detailed evaluator of the finer points of my firearms and these boxes of ammo.  I definitely appreciate you observing, for example, the M73 side label with the barrel band and rifle rear sight. People must learn to look at these artifacts with that kind of critical eye, or they’ll never improve their knowledge and understanding.
    Thanks again to you and Dan...fantastic job! [Scott S.]

Received book today. In a word, Excellent! You guys did a great job. Many thanks. [Fernando A.]

I just received the new book by you and Dan and I must say I am very impressed.  Congratulations on a fine piece of work.  My hat is off to both of you.  As a fellow cartridge box collector firearms, ammunition, and hunting book collectorand also an author myself (The Military and Police Sniper, Precision Shooting, 1998) I must say your book is extremely high in quality as a reference, as a collectible book, and just fun to read.   That guy who said the book should have been priced much higher was correct.  I like the way you categorized the cartridge boxes by Winchester rifle chronology.  This adds much organization to the way the boxes are presented.  I also like the way you used the rarity factor and value at the end of each description instead of the normal way of listing the condition/values as found in other collector books. Your method takes up less space.  Love the intro and overview and know you could have written a whole new book on just what you touched on there.  A supplement with numbered small reference photos and price updates might be nice to have in the future. Anyway I could not have done a better job in doing a book like this, so again, congratulations on fine book. [Mike L]

Received book today and WOW it is just super it is very well done and will answer a lot of my questions about my ammo boxes. I will recommend this book to all. Again, GREAT JOB!!! [Larry V.]

Received your book today. I am thrilled with it. I'm sure ALL Winchester lovers will be as thrilled as I am. You may need to do a re-print! Thanks for the great service, the fantastic book and all of your time and effort assembling it. Keep up the great work. [Wayne H]

  The book just arrived, it’s great!   Only one thing wrong: the price. It should be $100.00.  It is without a doubt worth it.  I salute you!   [Lew W.]

  I received the book yesterday and spent the better part of the day reading it. It is very informative and will become my primary reference for the Winchester ammo boxes.  Some of the subtle differences in the labels over the years were succinctly pointed out and duly noted. The text is easy to comprehend and the pictures are great, providing easily identifiable characteristics of each box. I noted the inclusion on the photos of the "Labels over the labels" on pages 33 & 37… Thanks again for a great book! [Jim D.]

Book arrived Yesterday. Well worth the wait. Congratulations on a book well done! [Jim S.]

Your new book arrived today, it's fantastic!!! The book takes out all the guess work on dating boxes. [Chris B.]

 The book is outstanding! [John S., TX]

 Saw John S. at the Morgantown Cartridge show this week end. He sold out of your books. I got to read one in my room before he sold them all. I liked it very much. When do you think mine will come? I can hardly wait. I almost bought one from John to read while I am waiting for mine! Thank for writing the book. [Bob R.]

 I received the new book the other day. What a great piece of reference material! Thank you for your dedication to the hobby. [Geno B.]

 I received your book the other day, thanks. You've probably heard this a thousand times by now........I'll do it again.....Excellent Book!.........The quality is outstanding! My daughter was visiting this weekend and got frustrated with me because I wouldn't put it down........... This will open the field of collecting ammo to anyone that sees it. [Chip L]

 …the book is spectacular!!!!! It will give me many hours of interesting reading/pricing!  [Jim P.]

 My congrats on a SUPER BOOK! [Wes P]

 Just an absolutely neat and informative book.  Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with others!  [Merv W.]

 Just a note letting you know I picked up your book last week-end. I am really impressed. I am mostly a 22 box collector but do like the Winchester and Western bear boxes. I thought I would just let you know how impressed I am. Thanks for the good work. [John U.]


 I just wanted to let you know the books arrived.  I haven't had a chance to spend much time looking at them, but I could immediately tell that this book is wonderful.  I can't imagine the time it took to put this all together, it's like a lifetime achievement! [Jim J.]

 Hi Ray; I have to compliment you and Dan on a wonderful book. I can't imagine how much effort went into completing it! Thanks! [Dick R]

       Hi Ray,  Just got through reading your (and Dan's) book on Winchester cartridge boxes. I must say, WELL DONE ! Having been a collector of both loose WRACo cartridges and boxes for the last 30 years, I would definitely not have undertaken what you and Dan have just done.
       For me, and others I suppose, dating WRACo center fire boxes has always been a problem. You two sure have solved that issue about as close as anyone is ever likely to come. Thanks for this! I for one have always wondered when most of my 400 + boxes were made…
       Another thing you both need a pat on the back for is bringing to us collectors the rarer and often less-known box labels. You illustrate several labels that I for one didn't even know existed and I'm sure that other collectors would be in the same position as myself – again, thank you for illustrating them.
        …both you and Dan are to be congratulated on what is very definitely a major undertaking.  [Brian O.]

 I received my copy yesterday, Great Book! Thanks! [Bruce S.]

 Received in the mail today, the 29th. Great job. Congratulations on your work. [Wayne S.]

I received the book today, and I think that it is great.  I have already been reading and comparing some of my boxes to those in the book. 
[Kevin L.]

 Got my Winchester Box Book, Very Nice. Thank you for your Knowledge and Passing it to others with these fine Books. [Garry B.]

 My wife bought me your book for a retirement gift and it is great! I'm enjoying it very much. [Kevin M.]

...I would also like to tell you that your Winchester Cartridge Box book is absolutely fantastic. I have picked up a lot from it in my areas of interest... [Ross W.]


Ray Giles - RTG Ammo - "Turning lead into gold".
Copyright © 2005 RTG Ammo. All rights reserved.
Revised: 10/10/17.